EXPERIENCE PERFORMANCE TV・RADIO LECTURE PRESS NEWS PAPER DESIGN 2023.12.19 Appeared in the opera “Madame Butterfly” in Phnom Penh 2023.12.19 Appeared in the opera “Madame Butterfly” in Phnom Penh 2023.12.01 Performed at a Japanese culture festival held in Dubai. 2023.12.01 Performed at a Japanese culture festival held in Dubai. 2023.11.03 Appeared in the VR/Noh “Ghost in the Shell” held in Venice. 2023.11.03 Appeared in the VR/Noh “Ghost in the Shell” held in Venice. 2023.10.16 Performed at the world travel industry conference “WiT Singapore” held in Singapore. 2023.10.16 Performed at the world travel industry conference “WiT Singapore” held in Singapore. 2023.08.27 Performed at International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress 2023 (IFAC 2023). 2023.08.27 Performed at International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress 2023 (IFAC 2023). 2023.08.02 The performing arts work “The Life of HOKUSAI” was performed in Bologna, Italy. 2023.08.02 The performing arts work “The Life of HOKUSAI” was performed in Bologna, Italy. 2023.07.16 Performed at the travel industry world conference “WiT Japan & North Asia”. 2023.07.16 Performed at the travel industry world conference “WiT Japan & North Asia”. 2023.04.18 (日本語) 『G7教育大臣会合開催記念/私たちのウェルビーイング・ユースフォーラム』オープニングパフォーマンス 2023.04.18 (日本語) 『G7教育大臣会合開催記念/私たちのウェルビーイング・ユースフォーラム』オープニングパフォーマンス 2023.03.18 Guest appearance on The 16th Asian Film Awards. 2023.03.18 Guest appearance on The 16th Asian Film Awards. 2022.11.20 Performed at the Rugby test match 2022 Japan vs France held in Toulouse, France. 2022.11.20 Performed at the Rugby test match 2022 Japan vs France held in Toulouse, France. 2022.10.31 Performed on a formal Noh stage. 2022.10.31 Performed on a formal Noh stage. 2022.10.22 Performed at “Hisashi Tenmyouya solo exhibition” in Taipei. 2022.10.22 Performed at “Hisashi Tenmyouya solo exhibition” in Taipei. 1 2 3 4