“TATARA ~ Heritage of EurAsia (Focus on similarities) ~” was performed in the Republic of Tatarstan.


“TATARA ~ Heritage of EurAsia (Focus on similarities) ~”, which was requested by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and sponsored by the Embassy of Japan in Russia and Studio Gift Hands, was successfully performed in the Republic of Tatarstan.

“TATARA ~ Heritage of EurAsia (Focus on similarities) ~” was a cultural exchange project that started in 2018.

Initially, it started in the form of drawing a cultural exchange between the Republic of Tatarstan and Japan, but since it took three years to complete this COVID-19, it can be matured on the contrary, and it is not just a drawing of “bilateral exchange”.
Instead, it was became a stage to convey the message to connect the world divided by the COVID-19, “We should not only look at different places, but from now on, we should look at common places.”
We hope that the message of this work will reach many people.